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Mission Statement


Lavender, Black, and Carolina Blue


The Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly


The Sterling Silver Rose


The Sorority’s shield, created by the Founding Monarchs, has special significance for members of Theta Nu Xi. A replica of the shield has been made into a pin that is only to be worn by initiated members of the Sorority.

To promote leadership, multiculturalism, and self-improvement through academic excellence, involvement in and service to the campus and community, as well as being living examples of sisterhood across different races, cultures, religions, backgrounds, and lifestyles.


Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood, Leadership, and Multiculturalism


Sisters of Diversity, together as ONE.


Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. welcomes all who identify as a woman, and does not discriminate against any applicant for membership on the basis of race, age, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, physical and/or mental ability, marital status, and/or parental status. The photograph provided is only used for identification and archival purposes only.

You will need to include the following information in order to be considered for membership and to complete an application:

  • $25 Application Fee submitted via the Chapter PayPal Account [With your Full Name in the Notes Section] 

  • Completed Application

  • A Copy of your Resume

  • Two Letters of Recommendation*

  • Passport-Size Photograph (1.5 in X 2 in. professional head-shot)

  • 1 Undergraduate or Graduate School Official Transcripts (Applicants must obtain a 2.75 Cumulative GPA)

There is an Intake cost associated with joining Theta Nu Xi. If you have financial concerns or would like more information on the cost associated with joining Theta Nu Xi, please contact our Dean of Intake at Additionally, chapter dues range each semester from $75-150. With any financial cost there are payment plans and scholarships available. 

For more information on how to join please fill out our Interest Form or contact our Dean of Intake  directly at

© 2024 by The Alpha Rho Chapter of Theta Nu Xi, Multicultural Sorority, Inc.

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